
Our Work

Our Work

NeedyChild International improves the lives of needy children by providing basic necessities, education, food and protection programs that support long-term development and opportunities that help them prepare for success. Our main programs create a rock solid foundation for children of all ages thereby helping them become self-reliant adults and contributing members of their communities. We accomplish this by focusing on the following areas:


The best method that we adopt to pave the way out of poverty is education for the children. Unfortunately, education is sometimes considered a luxury by underprivileged families, and even those who value it often find it difficult to afford. We support basic education by providing benefits such as school fees, books and uniforms. Millions of children worldwide are kept out of school because of poverty, discrimination, child labor or no access to schools. Some of the underprivileged children who get an opportunity to go to school often lack basic educational needs like tuition, books, uniforms and even proper food. We know and fully understand that education is one of the most valuable and powerful tools that can break the cycle of poverty and make this a better world for all of us.


Children living in underprivileged communities and extreme poverty are exposed to many dangers every day. By providing means for a regular medical checkups, healthcare and medicine, we ensure each child's growth and development is well protected.


NeedyChild International is committed to protecting the rights of children. We educate the parents and families of these needy children in child abuse, child labor, child trafficking and other child neglect information and we make sure that they are aware of these abuses and provide ways to avoid them.


Good nutrition is very essential for early childhood growth. It is sometimes very difficult to maintain good nutrition for families struggling to afford basic necessities for their children. We screen children for malnutrition and provide care for those who need it. In addition, our child nutrition education programs help children and their parents make healthy choices for the child's future.

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